Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10:52 PM...Mr. Wilson & BioChem!

Mind you I have to be at work in the A.M. but I am up watching my roomie study for BioChem (yes she's a geek hehe). I refused to let her teach me ( which she claims is her studying mechanism) so she has reverted to teaching her laptop. This is just too hilarious to go to sleep even though that's where I should be heading. I'm sure I will be regretting this in the morning. What would I do without this crazy girl..

Now she's ranting about our next door neighbor. I think I'm going to start calling him Mr. Wilson (Dennis the Menace).  Yes we have a complainer on our hands. This man complains about every little noise. Mind you his TV sounds like its playing through sub-woofers or something. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts harassing us if we turn our faucets on too loud. Being that me and T are the quietest people ever this man is working my nerves just a little bit. 

Now it's officially time for me to hit the sheets. I leave you guys now knowing that my next door neighbor will now be referred to as Mr. Wilson and that living organisms can be classified by energy sources (see I was listening to her a tad bit)...

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