Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lending A Helping Hand

Last Sunday my roommate convinced me to go with her to help out at our local soup kitchen, The Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach. I'm glad I went it turned out to be a great and rewarding experience. We assisted in cooking a well balanced meal in which I had fun preparing. I personally was on "cookies duty", but I migrated from one station to another assisting where I could.

I met a lot of people and saw many new faces. The life stories of those who came for a meal were really touching. The whole experience humbled me and opened my eyes to how blessed I am.

If you are local, the soup kitchen we volunteered at was located at 1411 Mr. Joe White Ave Myrtle Beach, SC. Mrs. Carol Ring, the manager allows anyone to volunteer their time as long as you make an appointment ahead of time. Breakfast is served 7 days a week, lunch 6 days a week, and dinner every Tuesday. They are always looking for helping hands, especially for Thanksgiving this year. You can reach them at: (843)444-9383

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