Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What's On Izzy?

For those of you who don't know who Izzy is, let me introduce you. Izzy is my IPhone/IPod. I try to update my IPod music like 5 times a week(yeah its kind of serious).

 This past weekend Missy Misdemeanor Elliot dropped 2 singles with Timbaland: 9th Inning and Triple Threat. These singles are cray cray. Oh how I've missed her. In my opinion female rap needed this because I was about to give up on those poor souls. Don't get me wrong I love me some Nicki Minaj but she doesn't give me the essence and authenticity that veterans such as Missy bring to the table.

There are also some new comers to female rap that I have recently became a fan of over the past year or so; Azealia Banks and Iggy Azalea. Their rap styles are totally different from each other( Bank's lyricists skills being superior), but I enjoy both all the same.

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