Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stylish Statements....OUTLINE NAILS!


So I finally got my outline nails! I've been wanted these babies since Spring. I know my fellow fashionistas are going to call me out for being so late on this topic, but I couldnt find any local nail tech who could do these for me.

 I finally found Central Nails & Spa here in Myrtle Beach, SC and Trina hooked a sista up. I'm so excited yall, its been 2 days since I've gotten them done and I fall in love with them more and more each day. I've gotten tons of compliments. I got an overlay because I refuse to deal with fake nails. I did have to get 3 sculpure nails because my babies popped right before I went to get them done. I think I'm going to substitute the white for a different color next time.  The only con is that when my nails begin to chip the black outline will be the first to go :( ...luckily they haven't begin to chip yet.

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