Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Honorable Mention (Teonia)

My first post on this blog is dedicated to one of my best friends...Teonia. This chick is crazy, cool, smart, and a bag full of ditziness lol. It only made sense to have her as my first honorable mentioned. Now that we are starting this journey together as roommates I'm starting to learn more about this little wonderful person. She possesses the biggest heart I've ever seen, and even though she comes in a package of only 5'0 even (or so she says...I think its shorter) she has a huge and infectious personality. Us two together can be a combination for disaster or a recipe for an amazing cocktail...

Having T as a best friend/roommate so far is amazing. It's like having another sister. We both love most of the same things. Being that both of our favorite colors is pink, it can be a little difficult at times. Surprisingly our apartment isn't a big storm of pink...that would be just too much for our guest's senses lol. Although our fashion sense is not identical( which is a good thing) we both love similar styles. Too bad we're not the same size otherwise our closets would be a free for all. It also doesnt help that we both work in retail. P.S. I think we both have a retail therapy problems, but we're working on it ;) 

I personally think we'll make a intoxicating cocktail that goes down smoothly ;) 

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